Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mazda RX-8 Compositing

Mazda RX-8 compositing

The VFX class I am teaching is currently in the topic of Lighting, Rendering, & Compositing. One student, Suresh Kalai, suggested using a new car model for the class exercise. It is a Mazda RX-8 2004. Here is the starting render.
Initial render using materials that come with the model

I spent half a day fiddling with the new model (a messy business because all geometries are separate), working on the shaders, lighting, and rendering. Here is a work-in-progress render.
WIP render after half a day
As always, the 80/20 Rule happens. I spent the next 2 class days fiddling with the materials (while the students are working on their files) until I am happy with the final product above.

Mazda RX-8 model courtesy of
Back plate and HDRI sky courtesy of

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