Last year I worked as a member of the VFX team for the animated series Dream Defenders. It is an original series developed and produced at Tiny Island Productions (the animation studio I am working at).
My responsibility was creating the necessary VFX elements for the shots assigned to me. In some cases I had the freedom to create a new VFX look (in 3D) based on 2D design paintings (usually effects for the monster of a particular episode); in other cases I simply used existing VFX templates and adjusted the timing for repetitive effects (such as the main characters' blasters). Dream Defenders is a stereoscopic 3D series, so I almost always created the effect elements in 3ds Max (exceptions are 2D elements that I can cheat in compositing such as interlace lines and animated noise for hologram effect). I then rendered the elements in layers and put them together in Nuke. In Nuke I mostly did color grading and color correction.
So, here is a selection of VFX shots I worked on. Feel free to leave comments.
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